
About the IPNA Global KRT Registry

There is general consensus that systematic monitoring of the incidence, prevalence and outcomes of kidney replacement therapy in children can help to optimize the clinical management of this challenging condition.

Unfortunately, registry information is scattered and incomplete in many countries and databases are not available for many low- and middle-income countries, leaving a large part of the global paediatric ESKD population unidentified and health care providers uninformed about the size of the treatment challenges ahead.

Therefore, the International Pediatric Nephrology Association (IPNA) has initiated a global KRT registry to collect population based information on children receiving kidney replacement therapy around the world.

The IPNA Global KRT Registry is pursuing the following objectives:

  • To provide information on renal replacement therapy practices and outcomes in the context of socioeconomic conditions in children around the globe
  • To empower clinical and translational research through information on disease demographics and comorbidities in children with end-stage kidney disease
  • To facilitate interventional trials in children undergoing dialysis and kidney transplantation

Our vision is to obtain information from every child and adolescent undergoing dialysis and transplantation anywhere in the world. In this endeavor, IPNA is partnering with regional, national and international dialysis and transplant registries, and with individual pediatric dialysis centers wherever national registries are not available.